Welcome! Meet:

Cory + Anthony

Accountant / Pathologist’s Assistant



All About Cory & Anthony

Thank you for taking the time to learn about our family! We are Cory and Anthony from Cleveland, Ohio and we are honored to share a little about ourselves as you consider developing an adoption plan. Since we were young, we both dreamed of one-day becoming fathers which has led us to adoption. We have built a life around love and adventure. Our home is often the center for entertaining family and friends. We enjoy the outdoors - camping, skiing, and gardening. We love living near the city to experience a diverse community full of unique cultures and experiences. But most importantly, we support and love each other unconditionally and look forward to sharing our love with our future child.

Why Adoption?

Adoption means family. An opportunity to be fathers and share our love and the life we have built together. Very early on in our relationship, we talked about how important becoming fathers was to both of us, and we both felt that adoption was the right path for our family. We look forward to welcoming a child into our family and offering every opportunity to love, explore, and grow to their fullest potential. We are open to adopting a child of any race or cultural background. We know first-hand that our differences are something to celebrate, and our diverse circle of friends would make any child feel welcome. Adoption would be a blessing that we would never take for granted, and would be thankful for the rest of our lives.

Family & Home

We have a picture-perfect two-story three-bedroom, two-and-a-half-bathroom Tudor home nestled in a family-oriented neighborhood. In the summer months, you can find us in the backyard around the barbeque or making s’mores at the bonfire. Our home is the perfect place to entertain family, friends, and neighbors. The neighborhood is full of young, diverse families. Halloween is the event of the season in the neighborhood with decorations galore and over 250 trick-or-treaters knocking at our door! Steps away from our front door, there is a community park with a swimming pool, playground, and tennis and basketball courts. Just a short walk away, there are two elementary schools and a high school. You can even grab a cup of coffee at the local shop in the neighborhood, which has become a favorite! Our home wouldn’t be complete without two very lovable pets - Franny our 2-year-old dog and Rocky our 10-year-old cat. These two pets are ready to be big siblings to our future child.

Our families are full of love. Family is incredibly important to both of us. Cory has an older brother and 2 young nephews, and his family is a very tight-knit group. Anthony comes from a very large, close family (a small family gathering is at least 30 people from his side only!). He has nieces and nephews who look forward to having another cousin join the family! Our families get along wonderfully, and celebrations are often spent together. Holidays are always filled with lots of family time complete with more food than you can imagine, competitive board games, and laughter until your stomach hurts. Our families go on the best vacations with some favorite recent trips together including the beach in Florida, snow skiing in Colorado, and countless camping trips! Both of our families are beyond excited to welcome a new grandchild into the mix.

How others describe me

About Cory (written by Anthony)

It’s easy to love Cory because he is incredibly kind, patient, and somehow always has a positive outlook. It was on our very first date that Cory said he wanted to one day adopt a child. I knew from the very beginning that Cory would make an incredible dad because he makes you feel at home. He (thankfully) loves to cook and bake. Our kitchen is always full of the most delicious smells and possibly a freshly baked pie. From owning his own singing company to seeing Broadway shows, Cory is incredibly passionate about the arts. But when football season comes around, you can be sure he is wearing his favorite team’s sweatshirt and cheering for them. But most importantly, Cory is loving and supportive of his family and friends. I am truly better by knowing and loving him. I cannot wait to see him shine as a father.

About Anthony (written by Cory)

It didn’t take me long to realize that Anthony was the person I wanted to spend the rest of my life with! Although most people would describe us as having very different personalities, we complement each other’s strengths and truly are stronger together. Anthony is a very driven person and sets ambitious goals. Whether it is his career or projects around the house, Anthony is always thinking about how things can be improved. He is also very thoughtful and always takes time to notice how the people around him are feeling. Anthony has an incredibly sharp sense of humor that keeps his friends, family, and coworkers laughing during the difficult moments that life brings. Anthony will be an incredible father and will encourage them to achieve their dreams.

how we met

How We Met

We met online soon after Anthony moved to the city for his job, and shortly after dating, we knew that we had both found the ‘one’. We were married during the pandemic in an intimate backyard wedding in 2020, and over a year later, we were able to have a large celebration surrounded by our family and friends.

Advice to Future Child

We can’t wait to meet you! Know that you are loved beyond measure and we are so proud of you. We hope you will feel safe and empowered to be your own unique self. Treat everyone with respect and kindness - no matter what their job title is. Be intentional about enjoying life. If someone offers you dessert, eat the dessert!

Perspectives on Open Adoption

We are open to any level of communication that feels comfortable to the birthparents. Whether it is emails and photos, or in-person visits, it is important to us that our adopted child will know about their birth family. We think of it as our child’s circle of people that love them being a little bit bigger!


  • Favorite Movie: The Sound of Music
  • Favorite Holiday/Tradition: All of the Christmas traditions - baking cookies, singing Christmas carols, and opening presents on Christmas morning!
  • Hobbies/Interests: cooking, playing piano and singing, camping, snow skiing, water skiing, gardening
  • Dream Vacation: a warm beach in the Caribbean
  • If I Could Choose a Superpower: teleportation
  • Favorite Movie: The Lord of the Rings trilogy
  • Favorite Holiday/Tradition: Halloween is extra fun in a neighborhood since everyone really gets into the spirit of it!
  • Hobbies/Interests: reading, camping, gardening and yard work, running, hiking
  • Dream Vacation: a cozy cabin with a seaside view
  • If I Could Choose a Superpower: mind-reading

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