Welcome! Meet:


Registered Nurse


African American


All About Christophine

My name is Christophine. I was born and raised in Togo, a small country in West Africa. I came from a large vibrant family with 7 siblings and with me being in the middle. I came to the USA when I was in my early 20s. I have my Bachelor degree in Science and Nursing and I am currently working as a Registered Nurse in the Intensive Care Unit. Besides being a bedside nurse in ICU, I also mentor and train new nurses. Outside of work, I have many interests and hobbies. On my days off, I babysit my niece and also volunteer at church with a youth group. I have a big passion for cooking and traveling. I love to cook for my two sisters here in California, my niece and my friends. I like going on hikes and long walks on the beaches.

Why Adoption?

I grew up among 7 siblings and from a very young age, I helped my mom take care of my two youngest sisters. Our house back then was always filled with kids running around, family members, and cousins with a lot of joy and laughter that left a very happy memory of my childhood. Coming from such a big family, family values have been the center of my life and to this day, I am often helping my siblings with their children. Right now, I am at a stage in life where I want to dedicate myself to being a mother via adoption. It has been my desire for so many years and I came to this decision out of my love for children and wanting to give a loving home to a child who needs it. Helping my siblings and friends babysit their children is another thing that helps me to have enough experience in what it is to care for a child and I am ready to do it.

Family & Home

I live in a gated community and I have a one bedroom apartment that is 675 square feet. My apartment has a spacious living room for kids to play and a very large bedroom for a crib and kids accessories. My apartment is located in a quiet neighborhood and there is an elementary school within two blocks and a daycare center within 300 feet. There are several recreational parks and many playgrounds within walking distance from my apartment that are safe and secure. The population of my community is very diverse, with people of various ethnic backgrounds. Taking my future kid to those playgrounds is beneficial and will help him or her to be exposed to different cultures. I have two siblings in California. My siblings and I are very close and they are very excited with my adoption journey. My other siblings in Europe and Africa are ready to visit my future kid.

How others describe me

My best friend Carol describes me as the most loving, respectful, humble and generous person.

Advice to Future Child

To my future child, I can't wait to have you in my life. I promise that I will do everything I can to be the best mother for you and I will make sure to give you the life your biological parents wanted you to have. You will be my blessing and I want you to know that I will always love and cherish you. I will always make sure you are safe and protected. I am ready to support you in every way that I can and make all your dreams and hopes come true.

I will love you with all my heart and there is nobody and nothing that will be more important for me in my life than you are.

I look forward to offering you a life full of cultural experiences, outdoor adventures, and the warmth of a supportive community and family.

Perspectives on Open Adoption

I am supporting the idea of  keeping in touch with my expecting birth parents during and after the adoption process.


  • Favorite Movie: Mulan and Frozen
  • Favorite Holiday/Tradition: Christmas, Easter, and Thanksgiving
  • Hobbies/Interests: cooking, hiking, walking on the beaches, volunteering at church, health and fitness, traveling
  • Dream Vacation: Italy and Africa
  • If I Could Choose a Superpower: flying to be able to visit my family in Europe and Africa

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